My dedication to the blog went away about 10 minutes after creating it. I just stumbled back into it by luck because Google knows all (I bow to my google overloads.) and prompted me to sign into my blogger account when I wanted to comment on a blog.
Now where am I in the miniature hobby? I have played WarmaHordes, 95% of all GW games and continue to play Necromunda and Mordheim. Fantasy and 40k have become laughable in the last decade in terms of game play and model creep (Why no, I do not believe I will pay $4000 to play an Apocalypse sized game.) I have gotten into historicals mainly old west and Ancient civilizations but that is more for a quick CON game or two. I forayed into Malifaeux for a while in 2011/2012 but never could dedicate enough time to "get" the game so my interest fell off. With the new release of the updated rules I hope I can change that. Mainly I play Infinity now. Intensively. Every Weekend sometimes more (during the height of WarmaHordes 1.0 it was 3-4 times a week)
Infinity is interesting game. Keeps both players engaged throughout the entire game, which is major plus (Not like 1.0 Baneknights.. I had 30 at one point *insert evil smile*) for me and keeps the game flowing. As a player you have a sphere of threats to deal with, from all directions, some you can see, and some just fry your brain from afar (or at least your equipment.)
Thus far my gaming group has managed to grind through Paradiso with enthusiasm up until the end of the third chapter. We are 3 sessions from the end and it feels like we are just trying to finish it up and move on. The Campaign went from FUN and NEW to weekly meetings deciding how our group was going to handle this ambiguous section of a scenario.
Thus the release of ITS 4 happened and we are playing through the scenarios early and as much as possible to avoid those mid-game (what did CB mean here; we are a very Logic driven group with heavy CCG and Tournament based miniature games experience; this hasn't lent any favors trying to smooth out our understanding of Infinity much though) questions or quirks.
I think I will be using this space for the next few months as a means to chronicle my continued learning curve on the global meta in preparation for NOVA in Late August. I working on building and painting models while at the same time trying to hammer out a list that can handle most everything (to a point) from every faction.
My next step is to really analyze what each scenario needs in terms of required number of specialists, contingency plans when you don't go first, terrain density, and whatever else I can try to wring out as I continue to play and build lists.