Saturday, April 12, 2014

Q1 Progress Report

Quarter 1 Progress Report

I have gone dark (but tried to stay busy!) with this blog over the last two months. No excuses, just realizing keeping up a good level of content while balancing Life and Hobby time is rather more difficult than I would have thought.

With that in mind I have a few irons in the fire (feast or famine I guess) for posts to come in the next few weeks. There will be more on the get better tools for the job aspect, progress reports on how the modeling/painting of my Nomads is going and what I need to tackle in preparation for NOVA, Gnascon, and any other event I plan on attending.

Let look at what I have gotten done in the last two months (not remotely as much as I would have liked mind you.)

I have that Sakiel I toiled over, stripped, and partially repainted. Tohaa have been placed on the back burner sadly. There is the positive note that the Gao Tarso w/ Viral Combi is built and Primed, a Chaksa Auxillar w/ Flamethrower built, and the lone Clipsos is assembled. My plan is to get the Sakiel finished at some point, followed by a representative of each model type to get the color scheme placement figured out. This will make painting the rest of the 12 or so models much quicker than the first.

There has been lots of work going on centered around these models between waiting for models to come out (Intruder HMG? You know the most common, awesome, MI available!) plus rebasing models to get my theme a little more consistent.

I have expanded my collection (just picked up the HellCat HMG/Hacker blister and the Gecko Box set.)

The painting front is not remotely where it should be, but I have painted another model to completion. I choose the Spitfire Riot Grrrl to paint for a local painting competition that is part of a Bi-Monthly ITS event. I didn't win (not sure what my placement was honestly) but I found that spark of REALLY wanting to paint to a high level on a regular basis returning after years of just having little interest in doing it.

Modeling Space:
Over the last two months, I have gone lighting crazy... after a trip to IKEA, I placed an additional two Swing Arm Lamps with 100w CFL Reveal Bulbs. Extra lighting goes a long way to keep your eyes from going cross from staring at the little details for hours on end. I have a lighting box project I want to complete very soon so my miniature photos don't just plain suck.

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